Money Mastery
75 Hard Challenge
The goal of the "Money Mastery" challenge is to improve your financial well-being, develop better money habits, and build financial resilience over a period of 75 days.
What are the rules?
Completing this Money Mastery challenge requires discipline and endurance. It is not for the weak! By completing each activity every day, you are making incremental progress towards a complete overhaul over your finances. In just 75 consecutive days of intentional work you can put yourself in a financial situation that today you can only dream of.
Rule 1
Daily Reading
Read 10 pages of a personal finance focused book. Or substitute 10 min of personal finance audiobook/content.
Rule 4
Daily Spending Review
Review the day of spending and compare it to your budget you created on Day 1 of the challenge.
Rule 2
Daily Job Application
Apply to a high paying job. It can be in your industry or not but it should have a higher salary than you have.
Rule 5
No New Debt
Do not acquire any new debt. This includes credit card spending. Don't add any liabilities.
Rule 3
Daily Progress Activity
Do an activity to complete to either: save money, earn extra money, or better your finances. *See List Below*
The Challenge
75 Consecutive Days
Follow all rules and complete Daily activities. If you miss an activity or break a rule. Start again from Day 1.
Get a list of 100+ Daily Progress Activities when you join the challenge. The list comes with video instructions on YouTube for many activities and you can expect daily uploads for future activity instructions.